I gave up on WoW entirely during the WoD x-pac. Swore I wouldn't come back.

A month after Legion came out, my wife tells me shes going to play again. With, or without me. We always game together. So she sucked me back in.

Turns out that I'm glad she did though. I've been enjoying Legion. Since we have had the kid, we play extremely casual. So it has been mostly leveling. Which is all just doing quests. Questing is the fastest way to level this x-pac. Then when I get to 110, I do world quests. Which is kind of like dailies. But seems to keep it kinda interesting by rotating through a big list of quests. They seem to be putting more world quests in with each patch too. I do a bit of dungeons when I can. They are cool. They have a mythic dungeon difficulty. I have not ventured into that too much yet. I could, I have the gear. It just takes a bit more work to do.

As a super casual player now, its been fun. But I'm sure it won't be long till I burnout again.

Also. I'm pretty sure there is a vanilla server available again. Not through blizzard. But it was somehow "sanctioned" by Blizzard. I think. Ya, think this is it. I'm not 100% though.

[–] jobes 0 points (+0|-0)

Hmm, there are a few different ones still up. I don't see anywhere that says they were officially sanctioned, just that some of them met with Bliz.

I still have Path of Exile to distract me for now, so I guess I'll see if anything happens in the next few months with these.