[–] PhunkyPlatypus 3 points (+3|-0)

No one asked to make a statue of Floyd, they asked for accountability for murder and police reform. They got a statue and a holiday instead.

As far as the confederate statues, fuck em. It makes no sense to celebrate those traitors and the majority of them weren't even constructed until 50+ years after the Civil War. During the whole daughter's of confederate Era.

[–] ScorpioGlitch -1 points (+0|-1) Edited

They got a statue and a holiday instead.

And neither should have happened, :honk: :honk:

As far as the confederate statues, fuck em.

Except that the people who promised to put them in cemeteries and museums tear them down when they're in cemeteries, at least. The agreed compromise was that that's where they would go. You don't pull a compromise from someone and then lie to them. That's how you get an actual war. As such, I don't care. There is nothing anyone who is against Confederate monuments could say because of that that I would actually want to listen to. There is no compromise or mid-way point for anyone who lies after getting that compromise. None. This is what is deserved.

t makes no sense to celebrate those traitors and the majority of them weren't even constructed until 50+ years after the Civil War.

Dude, you really really wanna go there? Or have you not been paying attention to lesser taught history that's been thrown around the last few years on other media platforms? Because if that's how low you want the bar, I can qualify that real quick and talk about how there's at least 72,000 memories and statues that should be destroyed all while pointing out the hypocrisy of wanting to destroy "white man" Confederate statues while completely ignoring the Confederate monuments that immortalize black Confederate soldiers.

And let's not even get into Native American genocide. If you wanna get into that, then you and your white cracker friends better get off my land.

Everyone has something to hate if you want to bring race into it.

[–] Butler_crosley 0 points (+0|-0)

Sadly, many revisionist historians have convinced people that black Confederates didn't exist; even though there are numerous reunion photos of Confederate units with uniformed black men in the picture.

[–] ScorpioGlitch 0 points (+0|-0)

Because it's all about "hate whitey" and "reparations" (free money for existing).