It's nearly 2 am. It was like 10pm the last time I checked.
It's been nearly two weeks since I've had to wake up at 10pm for work.
I've seen more sunlight during this time than I did in 2020.
I think I fell asleep at 4 am yesterday and woke at 3 pm. I think I've been drinking today since 8 pm. Is it still today?
No. Its tomorrow. I'm trying to fix my sleep schedule to "normal" but what is normal? My body wants to rise with the sun an shit.
Pcr test came back negative but still gotta quarantine until next week.
Can't figure out what zleep shedule I can be on.
Woke up to sunlight this morning and couldn't figure out of it was dawn or dusk.
This jet lag in my own home is nonsense.
If it's 2 than perhaps I'll keep drinking til dawn. Fiance fell asleep hours ago. But skyrim still plays.
This is the story of my life. In this last week I went to bed between 2pm and 6am. I wish I could sleep normal.