I'll bet you've watched many car chases on TV and in movies where the ADR editor adds a screeching tire sound effect as a car speeds around a corner or slams on its brakes. That's great - as long as the car is on a paved road surface (concrete, asphalt).

What annoys me is how often these guys get lazy and use screeching tires noises for vehicles travelling on dirt roads. No excuse.

Dirt = No Tire Screeching

I'll bet you've watched many car chases on TV and in movies where the ADR editor adds a screeching tire sound effect as a car speeds around a corner or slams on its brakes. That's great - as long as the car is on a paved road surface (concrete, asphalt). What annoys me is how often these guys get lazy and use screeching tires noises for vehicles travelling on dirt roads. No excuse. Dirt = No Tire Screeching

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