You fucking retards had seven months knowing that shit was gonna go down again. Seven months all I heard was "oh buddy, just you wait until that second wave hits, oh yessiree"

You had all that time to get prepared.

If you were making a plan to panic shop when it happened, it's not panic shopping, it's bad planning and mental illness. You had no reason to be taken by surprise this time. You're just an idiot, you're going to make my blood pressure go up, and I hate you.

Good night.

You fucking retards had seven months knowing that shit was gonna go down again. Seven months all I heard was "oh buddy, just you wait until that second wave hits, oh yessiree" You had all that time to get prepared. If you were making a *plan* to panic shop when it happened, it's not panic shopping, it's bad planning and mental illness. You had no reason to be taken by surprise this time. You're just an idiot, you're going to make my blood pressure go up, and I hate you. Good night.


[–] GuyIDisagreeWith 1 points (+1|-0) 4 years ago

I got a 12 pack of TP stashed in the SUV so it won't get used by accident, just in case.