My husband says, "... is funny the way National Lampoon was - they pick on everyone without regard to damall."

My husband says, "... is funny the way National Lampoon was - they pick on everyone without regard to damall."


[–] Sissypuff 1 points (+1|-0) Edited

See if you can track down some of the episodes of The Radio Hour as well, there is some insanely brilliant writing and production in there not to mention the voice talent. It's been a few years since I last looked but there used to be a few sites that were archiving them, maybe they're still up. If you're interested but can't find any drop me a line, I have a few episodes that I can put in a torrent.

There's been two films about Nat Lamp as well, though probably only of interest after you've read the mags and are familiar with the writers and editors.

A lot of those guys had classical educations and it's so evident in much of the writing. It added depth to their work so that it wasn't just an all out irreverent "gross for the sake of gross" all of the time, though it did happen sometimes. But most of all it was the making fun of every and anything that was so special, and this was during the drug and sexual revolution when boundaries were already being pushed.

[–] [Deleted] 0 points (+0|-0)

I'll ask if he has them stashed away somewhere. He loves Lampoon stuff so it's possible.

The one I remember paging through was the Adventure issue. It was pretty funny. I think a big piece of the content needed some knowledge of the period, but oh, so much seems funny no matter what.

[–] Sissypuff 1 points (+1|-0) Edited

I haven't got that one so looked it up, man that's going way back (April '71). It has the classic Tarzan Of The Cows which I only saw in collections. Thumbing through those old covers, what a nostalgia rush. Well there goes my weekend ;) Thanks for posting and reminding me about an 'important' part of my formative years.

Turns out TPB has a torrent for 10 or so of the Radio Show! episodes, for convenience here's the magnet link. It takes a while but once it starts the d/l comes in fairly quickly:


I have Medical Police cued up but I first checked out Children's Hospital which is by the same guys apparently and did 5 seasons starting in 2011. It's pretty great. I don't know how I've never heard of either of these shows.

[–] [Deleted] 0 points (+0|-0)

LOLS, you're very welcome! I'm going to grab the shows today :-)

I'm going to look for children's hospital.