[–] OeeThaGreat [OP] 2 points (+2|-0) Edited

So if people aren't able to decide what drugs they put in their body until they are 21, then lets raise the draft and military enlistment age to 21. Why not raise the rules on for driving without a curfew from 18 to 21? What about the age limit to sign yourself up for crippling debt to 21? Lets just not allow children under the age of 21 to ever leave the house, make their own decisions or do anything without adult supervision.

Edit; Let's raise the voting age to 21 too! After all, how could these children under 21 have thw brain capacity to help pick our public officials and legislation, but they are not capable of deciding if they want to ingest nicotine.

This is fucking dumb.

[–] ScorpioGlitch 1 points (+1|-0)

And keep them in high school until 21/raise college admission age to 21.

Increase age of driving to 21.

Increase the age of everything to 21