[–] x0x7 2 points (+2|-0) 6 years ago

It's funny how when you are on an alternative site the answer is fuck no. Then you realize you've done this on major websites. You literally let the worst possible people have your location.

Oh sure google maps. I want you to know where I live.

[–] Polsaker 1 points (+1|-0) 6 years ago

Phuks is not supposed to ask for your location. In this case it might've been some expando, I'm still trying to find out how it happened

[–] ThinWhiteDuke 1 points (+1|-0) 6 years ago

If there is any conceivable reason a website or service could need to know my location, such as navigation or Uber, I consider how much value the app could add to my life and sometimes say yes. But 99% of the time I'm saying fuck no to anyone asking for my location data.