Here's what the PM says.

Not trying to use a click-baity title but reddit is slowly and quietly introducing another social media website feature. This is actually how Digg users revolted and I hope there's a huge user revolt and migration from reddit to <whatever site>.

From my understanding, what it basically says is, "Other users will be able to view which user you are following besides us".

It's a way of letting us know that "We do track your Like/Dislikes/Your Interests just FB does at the moment."

Hell, I'm following some GW members. The site was a nice place to be at one point in time but Privacy is slowly dying there too.

[Here's what the PM says](https://i.imgur.com/q9Dhgiq.png). Not trying to use a click-baity title but reddit is *slowly* and *quietly* introducing another social media website feature. This is actually how Digg users revolted and I hope there's a huge user revolt and migration from reddit to <whatever site>. From my understanding, what it basically says is, "Other users will be able to view which user you are ***following*** besides us". It's a way of letting us know that "We do track your Like/Dislikes/Your Interests just FB does at the moment." Hell, I'm following some GW members. The site was a nice place to be at one point in time but Privacy is slowly dying there too.


[–] Justintoxicated 2 points (+2|-0)

This is nothing compared to the recently discussed "Bathroom Logging" policy Phuks admins want to roll out. This policy will require all users to log on and let admins know when they are using the bathroom, every third bathroom break will require you to solve a captcha and every fifth must be recorded via video for important Phuks site records.

[–] yeti 2 points (+2|-0)

I left reddit years ago. What choir are you preaching to?

[–] [Deleted] 1 points (+1|-0)

Nice, so how was reddit back then. Because I was never there to begin with.

[–] yeti 0 points (+0|-0)

It was just a busy place to talk(or argue). Turned intolerable when most of the subs were covertly hijacked by lefty ideologues.

[–] jobes 2 points (+2|-0)

Including follows that were done in the past

The only 'benefit' I could see from this change would be to give journalists more information for doxing and linking specific groups of people. 'BigDickSam69 follows the evil Nazi Fashy1488'. Literally no other benefit.