

[–] PhuksNowDying [OP] -1 points (+0|-1) Edited

Why the fuck would you down vote this news, do you like to cover up pedophile crimes Butler_crosley? You are now trying to drag the subject off topic but I will answer your fag drama. What is true is this site IS DYING, its not trolling i'm wondering what the fuck happened, phuks is a much different place and almost empty. anyways staying on topic did you hear the news wiki has started to edit pages, remove connections to certain people and to israel, Epstein flew Bill Clinton...removed... Kevin Spacey...another name now deleted by wikipedia, and in his private Boeing 727. ... "Jewish" removed, stuff about that weird temple and symbols removed. Stuff about the Maxwell woman removed, Sarah Kellen (Vickers), wife of NASCAR driver Brian Vickers. Stuff about Rockefeller, Kissinger removed, Katie Couric, George Stephanopoulos, and Woody Allen. Links to Paris New Mexico removed from other websites.

a screencap of the wiki


just one example of censorship of a pedo crime here. The history of edits to this wikipedia page are a little bit of a shit show