[–] ScorpioGlitch 2 points (+2|-0)

Our race as a whole is fast-tracking itself to extinction by intervening with the evolutionary processes that weed out unsuitable biological traits. Various defects in physiology lead to mental or physical outcomes which would not otherwise survive and then those traits get passed on (genetics depending) to another generation.

We talk about "quality of life" but then say that people who cannot have a reasonable quality of life without massive amounts of assistance should be given as much assistance as can be created. There's nothing ideologically wrong with that. But when it comes to future medical care, one of these days we'll come up with a cure for "whatever" and some moron will say "whatever shaming" and "whatever acceptance" without thinking about the real world implications of that intervention.

Evolution can be a harsh mistress and we should not blindly interfere.

[–] E-werd 0 points (+0|-0)

This is more or less the dilemma of eugenics, except with what will probably be the opposite outcome.

[–] ScorpioGlitch 0 points (+0|-0)

Every day I see people so stupid that it makes me think that eugenics is 100% the correct answer. I can't comprehend how some people manage to survive and make it through yet another year.