I don't want to read the writer's opinion, I just want to know what happened. I want a factual account of the situation being reported.

I don't want to read the writer's opinion, I just want to know what happened. I want a factual account of the situation being reported.


[–] jobes 4 points (+4|-0) Edited

The problem is bullet points can be easily spun to give a completely different representation of the facts while still being, well, factually true. Take for example that incident a few years back where 4 black teens abducted and tied up a mentally handicapped white kid and beat him. I heard that story laid out 'factually' two different ways:

1) 4 black teenagers abducted a mentally handicapped white teenager in a MAGA hat

2) they proceeded to beat the teen while yelling 'fuck Donald trump'

Versus this representation:

1) 4 teenagers abducted a mentally handicapped teen

2) they proceeded to beat him while making frequent references to Donald Trump and also were shouting the n-word at him

Both are factually correct bullet points of the events, but they both portray a completely different set of events where in the latter you are led to believe trump supporters were engaged in a racially based hate crime.

Even facts are biased.

Edit: spacing