[–] CDanger 3 points (+3|-0) Edited

And forcing ads into the stream of old.reddit.com yesterday to "standardize the experience" with mobile. These companies are getting too big to fail. I really wonder how big of a "fuck you" they'd have to give to the users to make them leave. How far do you have to fuck over the masses before they get upset and actually leave?

[–] jobes 3 points (+3|-0)

How far do you have to fuck over the masses before they get upset and actually leave?

That's literally a trillion dollar question, but it exposes a deeper problem. People 👏 just 👏 don't 👏 care 👏. Many/most people are deciding who they vote for based on sound bites and appearances, not their policy. The platform interference helps move that idealogy along. "Oh look 12k updoots on a Mayor Pete post, guess I'll vote for him".

The normies won't leave until these publishers are regulated out of existence