There has been absolutely zero activities at my weird Redneck neighbors this week.

No loud music, and it used to be every night.

No rambunctious children, and we have spent the last week spending a lot of time outside. I have seen the kids, and they did come over to play one day, but it used to be constant bombardment of annoying kids running around.

I suspect they are laying low because of last weekend's incident with the fire department. But what the fuck is going on?

These people are fucking weird.

There has been absolutely zero activities at my weird Redneck neighbors this week. No loud music, and it used to be every night. No rambunctious children, and we have spent the last week spending a lot of time outside. I have seen the kids, and they did come over to play one day, but it used to be constant bombardment of annoying kids running around. I suspect they are laying low because of last weekend's incident with the fire department. But what the fuck is going on? These people are fucking weird.


[–] Sissypuff 2 points (+2|-0)

They spontaneously turned into liberals. Prepare for the soothing tones of John Denver played at 1/3 volume during reasonable hours. And purple hair, so much purple hair.