Always in a rush, yet driving well below the speed limit. Weaving in and out of traffic, cutting off 3 people, just slow down to a crawl because they missed their turn. They are rude as fuck to the people in the service industry, acting like everyone needs to bend over backwards to meet their demands.

I always hate memorial day weekend because it's the official start of the tourist season. I fucking hate the cidiots.

Always in a rush, yet driving well below the speed limit. Weaving in and out of traffic, cutting off 3 people, just slow down to a crawl because they missed their turn. They are rude as fuck to the people in the service industry, acting like everyone needs to bend over backwards to meet their demands. I always hate memorial day weekend because it's the official start of the tourist season. I fucking hate the cidiots.


[–] [Deleted] 1 points (+1|-0) Edited

We were on the highways yesterday. Cops, cops everywhere.

One city had this huge motorcycle speed trap going on. I'm thinking, that's how you motherfuckers get hit, and then everyone is expected to feel bad that you died while you're hanging out on the side of a 70 mph road.... yeah, no. Find some real law enforcement to do.