That after book 3 the series just wasn't all that good.
I didn't like where the whole Dorne storyline went and the Littlefinger/Sansa story, Stoneheart, then the elevation of Cersei to the main villain role. Itw as the beginning of the padded filler storylines for me. Maybe I will be proven wrong and he will tie up all these ends neatly along with the messes he introduces in the later books but I'm not so sure his passion is in it after book 3. It's not to say I hate the books either, it's just very hard to sustain a great book series past a few books.
Arya storyline is just what I see HBO doing because of how they ended the last TV episode. Arya is a fan favourite and they can play off the 'girl with many faces' thing with a clean slate plot/mapwise with no heavy expectations.
woof, the littlefinger/sansa bit is the only bit i sorta agree on as being meh but i feel like its leading up to a good (better than the show) storyline in the next book. i expect the reason he's taking so long is because hes tying up the mess he's made and retconning the shit out of the winds of winter to make sure the final book works right but we'll see. i find it weird how many times in the last 48 hours i have heard that you can't end something so big. its hard to disagree given the track record but i feel like that's a crutch and an excuse for shitty writers that proliferate hollywood and i dont accept it.
what storylines didn't you like? the only bit i can think of off the top of my head is dorne but i love dorne in the books.
i was hoping so much for a dunk and egg series but for some reason they went for that original long night storyline which i expect not to make it past its pilot. i struggle to picture how the bronze age could manage to keep up with the expectations of the game of thrones audience. is an arya one in the works? hadn't heard that and can't imagine it'd work well. the whole last scene with arya i kept think the same thing. who the fuck is insane enough to be sailing her boat west? they couldn't add an arya-iron born storyline to make that work?