Not satire

I came across this and am not sure what to make of it.

I'm sure Muslims would be incredibly offended by this, so on one hand it feels like this was created by the right to mock the left and Islam at the same time. But on the other hand, the left loves to celebrate diversity. Phuk, the world is 2019 makes no sense.

I came across [this](https://coinsh.red/p/lgbt.png) and am not sure what to make of it. I'm sure Muslims would be incredibly offended by this, so on one hand it feels like this was created by the right to mock the left and Islam at the same time. But on the other hand, the left loves to [celebrate](https://www.fahrenheit211.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/lgbt-against-Islamophobia-777x437.jpg) diversity. Phuk, the world is 2019 makes no sense.


[–] yeti 0 points (+1|-1)

There is almost certainly a fag or dyke somewhere who thought that this would open the minds of yer average muslim to the acceptance of gayness.