I've always been a bit of a shitposting cunt who likes a bit of shock humour. Some tragedies are easy to make light of and exploit for meme shock.

The Manadlay Bay meme springs to bring.

The CHCH mosque memes feel too soon. I don't mean 'too soon' in a lightheaded sense to be that guy either. It feels genuinely uncomfortable. I thought about saving some, but even that feels wrong.

I've never felt this way about any terror attack. I am honestly shocked that it did happen here. It's a shame to be in a place where that thing didn't happen at all. We've had more terror attacks from the French than from Muslims. I feel like this is the start of something much more worse. Some Jihadi prick is seeking revenge right now, I bet.

I've always been a bit of a shitposting cunt who likes a bit of shock humour. Some tragedies are easy to make light of and exploit for meme shock. [The Manadlay Bay meme springs to bring. ](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/270307815803846656/556424430696529932/unknown.png?width=570&height=677) The CHCH mosque memes feel too soon. I don't mean 'too soon' in a lightheaded sense to be that guy either. It feels genuinely uncomfortable. I thought about saving some, but even that feels wrong. I've never felt this way about any terror attack. I am honestly shocked that it did happen here. It's a shame to be in a place where that thing didn't happen at all. We've had more terror attacks from the French than from Muslims. I feel like this is the start of something much more worse. Some Jihadi prick is seeking revenge right now, I bet.


[–] CDanger 3 points (+3|-0)

I will always defend free speech because a world where the state can ban certain forms of speech that are "offensive" will inevitably lead to a grotesque nanny state (or worse) and even larger resentment, hatred, and radicalisation. This doesn't mean that every speech is good or should be approved, but it is the price we have to pay for that freedom, but this price isn't that bad and it is far better than the alternative.

Regarding terrorist attacks, I think everyone can honestly admit to themselves that we will be seeing lots more of this in the future from both sides as resentment continues to grow. After all, with current immigration policies there is no indication why these trends would reverse. We should honestly ask if this price is worth whatever positives we get out of that; this question has been evaded. That price is too much in my opinion, and I think if anyone seriously considers it and places value on human life, they would reach the same conclusion. It is curious why on days after attacks everyone is shocked but they don't seem to admit that there will be far more of this in the future or consider why this is happening and how to avoid it without sacrificing values of freedom and transforming into an alien society.

[–] jobes 1 points (+1|-0)

We should honestly ask if this price is worth whatever positives we get out of that; this question has been evaded.

The question has certainly been evaded by those blindly supporting the immigration policies, but simply trying to discuss and imply that policy might not be good gets you labeled the standard "racist" and set of other phobias. It's the sort of thing where if I brought up that I think unfettered economic immigration is detrimental to a country, then I could lose my job. I'm not joking. I've had multiple people at work scream at me over the years for just being critical of illegal immigration and sanctuary cities in California.

[–] CDanger 2 points (+2|-0)

Yes, I know exactly what you mean. It is ironic that many of those who most loudly scream for tolerance have no tolerance for those holding views that contradict their own--and certain subjects are absolutely sacrosanct. In truth those are the ones who should be fired, for sowing seeds of discontent and poisoning any chance of peaceful and reasonable discussion, but I grow increasingly worried that we live in a world where the loudest and boldest extremists on both sides shape our future.

This is not a healthy state of affairs for a nation. Making a subject taboo to discuss and harassing and attempting to destroy the livelihood of those who have different beliefs is not what a free, tolerant, healthy, just, and sustainable society looks like. Evading a subject and refusing to debate its merits and demerits on logical grounds bodes very poorly for the future. Censoring opinions of those who disagree with you is really a sign of weakness that your arguments can't stand on their own, but I really worry since there is vanishing support for reasoned and logical debate anymore and vigorous support and respect for all freedoms seems to be receding.