So for the last two weeks I've been wearing the shit-eating grin of the MAGA kid who was harassed by the American Indian professional agitator. I wanted to get a MAGA hat but I don't really care about America that much and here in Australia I would just go down as a shit-stirrer and be called a wanker by everyone.

So onto how the grin was received. It went down very well actually. In fact random strangers would see my smile and my unbroken eye-contact and feel compelled to speak to me. Initially it was old ladies telling me how hot it was but as I grew more confident and flashed it at more people, I found that I became Mr.Popular very quickly. Men would comment to me how dear the meat was getting in the supermarket. Young girls would smile back at me shyly and offer a hi. I was starting to like it. People would just try to engage me and get my attention.

However it wasn't all roses and sunshine. A tiny percentage of people took it badly. One young girl with purple hair and acne scowled at me and gave me the finger. A tubby bouncer standing at the door of a sports club gave me the evil eye and spat to the side. One other guy asked me what was so funny. A schoolgirl looked at me and said "ughhh" loudly. My wife also asked me why I was acting strangely around people after a couple of days and then groaned when I told her the whole story.

All in all, a very successful experiment and one I'm finding hard to end. Thank you MAGA kid for the fun times. You shall not be forgotten.

So for the last two weeks I've been wearing the shit-eating grin of the MAGA kid who was harassed by the American Indian professional agitator. I wanted to get a MAGA hat but I don't really care about America that much and here in Australia I would just go down as a shit-stirrer and be called a wanker by everyone. So onto how the grin was received. It went down very well actually. In fact random strangers would see my smile and my unbroken eye-contact and feel compelled to speak to me. Initially it was old ladies telling me how hot it was but as I grew more confident and flashed it at more people, I found that I became Mr.Popular very quickly. Men would comment to me how dear the meat was getting in the supermarket. Young girls would smile back at me shyly and offer a hi. I was starting to like it. People would just try to engage me and get my attention. However it wasn't all roses and sunshine. A tiny percentage of people took it badly. One young girl with purple hair and acne scowled at me and gave me the finger. A tubby bouncer standing at the door of a sports club gave me the evil eye and spat to the side. One other guy asked me what was so funny. A schoolgirl looked at me and said "ughhh" loudly. My wife also asked me why I was acting strangely around people after a couple of days and then groaned when I told her the whole story. All in all, a very successful experiment and one I'm finding hard to end. Thank you MAGA kid for the fun times. You shall not be forgotten.


Great copy pasta!

[–] KillBill [OP] 2 points (+2|-0) Edited

The upvote I just gave you is not for being right. I don't want you to think it's a validation of what you said. However you are welcome to use it and make yourself right.

I didn't mean to come off cheeky. It just read really well, and seemed like it was too good to be true. Thanks for the upvote.