Seeing something that you remember creating in Gimp just a few days or even months before, knowing that someone thought it was worth downloading and reposting elsewhere. It's a magical feeling.

Seeing something that you remember creating in Gimp just a few days or even months before, knowing that someone thought it was worth downloading and reposting elsewhere. It's a magical feeling.


[–] KillBill 1 points (+1|-0)

I actually saw a meme I created and posted on Voat make it onto Reddit with OC in the title. It only got a couple hundred votes but I got a good laugh out of the Oc part.

*Bear in mind I have no idea if adding a caption to an already funny photo is actually a meme or not.

[–] Mattvision [OP] 1 points (+1|-0)

That's why I use watermarks. I'm trying to grow my Twitter account, so if you repost my shit, I at least want people to know that I was the meme God who brought it unto this world.

Adding a caption to something is pretty much what passes for a meme. Nobody said they needed effort or anything.