[–] sidewalker_Principle 2 points (+2|-0) Edited

It is plain as day to anyone who pays attention that our country is nothing but a piggy bank for Israel. This image needs to be widely circulated to the masses, but I can only wonder how much good that would actually do.

Every Christian I've spoken with has this warped worldview that we must do everything in our power for the chosen tribe. It sickens me.

I've known a lot of Jewish people, and the only ones that have ever rubbed me the wrong way are actual Hebrew Israelites. For the vast majority of American Jews, they are just normal people and I hold no hatred for them. I don't even hate Israelites I just don't like their attitude towards everyone else in the world.

Like...you got your illegitimate nation...now leave us the fuck alone. My country has done nothing but bleed itself dry for endless wars in the ME. To what gain? Definitely not for Jack and Suzie down the road. Definitely not for the future of my own children.

[–] [Deleted] 0 points (+0|-0)

Looks like u been fooled by Russia's fake news. Look at all the politicians we have with dual citizenship with russia, and all the russians in influential places in politics and the media, as well as all the freebies we give them.

[–] ThinWhiteDuke 2 points (+2|-0)

Fuck this shit. I wish I owned a business that could feasibly buy anything Israeli so I could boycott them for the sole purpose of contributing to the backfire of this strong-arm horseshit. As much as I hate the idiotic, hypocritical Anti-Semites at Voat, I definitely revile the nation-state of Israel and the shifty foreign lobbies that dictate policy in my fucking country.

[–] CDanger [OP] 1 points (+1|-0)

You still can and should boycott Israel, even without a business. It makes no sense to support those who hijack your country's policies for endless Middle East wars while masquerade as your greatest ally.

[–] ThinWhiteDuke 1 points (+1|-0)

How can I as a consumer boycott Israel? It's not as simple as "Don't buy this brand of toilet paper." Israeli companies are mostly high tech outfits integrated into society at a very high level. It's not like I can avoid going to a hospital because they own an ultrasound machine bought from an Israeli company. I'd bet every single hospital in the country has Israeli equipment. Same with telecom. There isn't an Israeli Verizon I can avoid, but rather Israeli companies make components that go into every smart phone and satellite. You can't avoid them without living in the woods and boycotting the whole world. Correct me if I'm mistaken.

[–] CDanger [OP] 1 points (+1|-0)

You're mostly right. This isn't as simple as boycotting Colombian coffee, for example. Some examples I can think of though

  • diamonds
  • tourism to Israel
  • bs Dead Sea salts and beauty products sold at the mall
[–] Justintoxicated 3 points (+3|-0) Edited

Here's a bit more context (though it doesn't make it any less insane)


[–] CDanger [OP] 2 points (+2|-0)

It's hard to believe the audacity of those behind this, but I at least take comfort in knowing this will almost undoubtedly be challenged in court and defeated.

Of course the terrorists hate us because of our freedom.

[–] ThinWhiteDuke 2 points (+2|-0)

Let's hope they are defeated. There's been almost no more obvious a violation of free speech imaginable passed as law anywhere I can remember. But the Jewish lobby has it's fingers deep into both parties. I wouldn't be surprised if even the SCOTUS is strong-armed into allowing this kind of shit.