[–] pidu87 -1 points (+1|-2)

"He is, if he were not it would be huge news."

I've literally never heard of this guy....... Is he popular in anti-Muslim circles or something?

He does say some pretty incendiary things that could be taken the wrong way by billions of Muslims luckily for his sake they don't know who he is haha.

[–] Justintoxicated 2 points (+2|-0)

He's a quite brilliant evolutionary biologist who's work changed the understanding of evolution, how it works, the motivation/purpose of evolution.

He also coined the term "meme" to describe a viral biological phenomenon which was later applied to cultural ideas on the internet.

I recommend his books, particularly the extended phenotype.

How Dawkins is known more for his public personality than his actual work in science, his opposition towards religious influence on public education and clashes with religious figures have made him quite famous.