I've noticed that people are infantilizing sexual body parts... It was Tits then boobs then bewbs and now tiddies? I'm finding it sort of hard to stomach. What's next? Suck my wee-wee! Smack that bum bum! It's depressing to see this sort of trend of desperate ways to look cute while being a fucking creep.

I've noticed that people are infantilizing sexual body parts... It was Tits then boobs then bewbs and now tiddies? I'm finding it sort of hard to stomach. What's next? Suck my wee-wee! Smack that bum bum! It's depressing to see this sort of trend of desperate ways to look cute while being a fucking creep.


How do you mean? What exactly bothers you, that people in subs you browse are talking about this phenomenon? The take-away I'm getting from your comment is that you don't think its a big deal but it bothers you when you see people talking about it?

[–] [Deleted] 0 points (+0|-0)

I'm a bit of an observer however I realize this post makes that hypocritical in a way. But I don't see that here so it's more an observation of other platforms and other users on much larger, much more upvoted places. So when something gross gets upvoted into oblivion as a comment... it's weird to me. I don't find that represents most people, or at the least I hope it doesn't.