Spot on. I don't much care for both sides of idiocy or fools who think censorship and suppression of undesirables will lead to utopia, so I'd very much like to see these psycho stop shoving the pendulum.
Spot on. I don't much care for both sides of idiocy or fools who think censorship and suppression of undesirables will lead to utopia, so I'd very much like to see these psycho stop shoving the pendulum.
Just like with the people shipped to fight in Vietnam, it's not going to stop until people man up and do the horrible things that they don't want to do. That's the only way you stop this kind of nonsense.
Just like with the people shipped to fight in Vietnam, it's not going to stop until people man up and do the horrible things that they don't want to do. That's the only way you stop this kind of nonsense.
It doesn't matter if there's merit to his claims or not. This is a clear indication of what the latest generations truly want: Absolutely no right to say anything that they don't like or agree with. Things like this just keep pushing that little balance a bit more, a bit more. Then suddenly, when people are fed up and resort to violence to put a stop to this nonsense, they're going to stand there and cry and whine and blubber about how they were offended on behalf of someone else (who never asked them to) and whine and cry some more as it just steamrolls into something more and more.
And Imma laugh because these last 2 years, I have been trying to tell people that they need to stop before they push that balance over. And no one listens. They think that they have all the power of words and words are ideas and you can't fight ideas so you can't fight them or make them stop.
Ever heard of the Cathars? The Catholic Church committed theocide against them because of their ideas. You don't see many Cathars nowadays. That's how you fight an idea. And that's what will happen. It's human nature's way of eliminating people who absolutely won't survive outside of the comforts of their "safe spaces."