And it's yummy.
The potatoes and eggplant didn't mind either. It was a vegetable orgy!
The potatoes and eggplant didn't mind either. It was a vegetable orgy!
And it's yummy.
The potatoes and eggplant didn't mind either. It was a vegetable orgy!
You better post an update in /s/HowManyShitsDidITakeToday (or whatever it's called) when all that passes through your system
Hardly anything upsets my system. It's almost always one a day, just like the vitamins.
I had leftover pizza so I'm claiming a win for me lol
Hopefully with a good side of brussels sprouts, right? Mustard and garlic roasted....
Such a waste, what a shame. That broccoli didn't do anything to be forced into your disgusting slop. I think this might need a report.
@Mattvision, the /s/BetterBroccoliBureau needs the alert.