Let's stay friendly this is just for fun.

My list:

9mm: 147gr XTP

.357 sig: Underwood 65gr defender

10mm: 200gr XTP

12ga: Winchester Double-X 15 pellet 00 buck

Let's stay friendly this is just for fun. My list: 9mm: 147gr XTP .357 sig: Underwood 65gr defender 10mm: 200gr XTP 12ga: Winchester Double-X 15 pellet 00 buck


[–] ScorpioGlitch 2 points (+2|-0)

It doensn't really matter, right? Dead is dead. You put a hole in someone, they're not going to be doing very well.

[–] [Deleted] 1 points (+1|-0)

Oh, I think people sometimes put too much worry into ammo and not tactics or holsters etc. But I think a few factors are important, such as using a bullet that makes a deep enough hole to penetrate to the vitals (at least 12in in 10% ballistics gelatin). There are quite a few 'self defense' hollowpoints especially in .380 that don't penetrate to the minimum.

And, usually out and about you'll just have your conceal carry but if someone is invading your home if you shoot them with a 12ga or .308 center mass they are a lot less likely to be able to get off a counter shot.

But anyways i agree you want to hit the target first and foremost and I don't think with for example a 9mm there would be a big practical difference between HST, Gold Dot or XTP for most applications. I do like a bullet that is likely to penetrate the spine from the front though.