I work for a mega corporation in the US and just got an email that they are making this change for 2019. I have no problems with them shifting holidays around, but the reasoning that MLK day is significantly more utilized than NYE is absurd. Every single person is gone for a 1-2 week period during the new year. I don't know a single person that takes off MLK day.
Oh the word "diverse workforce" also appeared in the email. There are only 2 black people that work in this entire building, and they're reception and security.
I loved working holidays when I worked golf course maintenance. They were usually the easiest days because all we had to do was mow greens and course setup. Show up at 5:30am and be done for the day by 10am while making double time while there and still paid for the rest of the day too. The only two holidays we were usually closed were Thanksgiving and Christmas day. And I've heard that some courses are even open on those days now. Of course the wages suck and the hours are long the rest of the time. If I hadn't pissed off my last superintendent, I'd still be doing it most likely.