[–] [Deleted] -3 points (+0|-3)

Furthermore there was nothing disingenuous in my comparison.

It is disingenious, Soros didn't turn anybody in.

Admit's to being a Nazi collaborator that turned in fellow jews

Although you keep saying he did.

[–] PhuksMulder [OP] 2 points (+3|-1) Edited

Don't link me to your post as if it's fact.


He says it himself.

Helped in the confiscation of property

So you're saying the Germans just collected property and no the holocaust is a lie.

If I wasn't doing it someone else would be doing it anyhow.

I'll never figure out why you like Nazi collaborators so much. I thought you cared about people. Yet here you are again defending them like a good soldier.

[–] [Deleted] -1 points (+0|-1)

Don't link me to your post as if it's fact.

You seem confused. I linked you to your comment in the article /u/Kannibal posted.

So you're saying the Germans just collected property and no the holocaust is a lie.

No. Are you saying I'm a holocaust denier?

I'll never figure out why you like Nazi collaborators so much. I thought you cared about people. Yet here you are again defending them like a good soldier.

Full house, straw man didn't fly so you've gone for the ad hominem.

People will watch the video of him in his own words and draw their own conclusions. Sorry to tell you in the Jewish faith @13 you're a man. At 14 when you turn in fellow jews... yeah you're a collaborator. Sure. I'll call you a holocaust denier. You defend nazi collaborators as if they've done nothing wrong. If the 96 y/o radio operator is culpable you damn well better believe soros should be.