Does he deserve a minimal existence without welfare?
Yes, as anyone who is exchanging their time for labor should. Just because he's a fat fuck he doesn't deserve to make a decent living? I for one would rather get pay his own way instead of requiring assistance.
Is it not our countries responsibility to provide a certain standard of living? How can we boast about being the best without improving our impoverished population?
Costs will fluctuate and calm down after an adjustment period. The cost of living has dramatically risen over the decades while minimum wage increases by trickles.
As an anecdote. I used to work 46 hours a week at 1.25 above minimum. I still qualified for the full $200 a month in good stamps.
Just because he's a fat fuck he doesn't deserve to make a decent living?
I didn't mention his weight. It has no bearing in this discussion. I know plenty of "fat fucks" who earn good money at careers they deserve because of education and skill.
Is it not our countries responsibility to provide a certain standard of living? But when you're talking about wages, for him or anybody else, you're talking about companies, many of which are family owned, having to shell out more money for labor which almost anybody can do. Why do you want to take more money out of those families pockets?
And yet many more companies are giant conglomerates with massive profit margins. That money which isn't being reinvested in its work force. Not to mention the lovely tax cuts being generously handed out so that CEOs can buy spinning rims for their jet ski.
The disproportionate distribution of wealth has gotten out of control. The average income in the us is $47,000. That's a paltry sum to live off of. And statistically it's much lower due to the incomes that include multiple commas skewing the numbers.
Mom and pop business' are becoming a lot less common when there's a Walmart on every corner.
First question: Does he? Second question: Why is it someone else's responsibility to provide him with that? Third question: How long would $15 an hour be enough for a minimal existence as prices rise because of increased labor costs?