As a minimum wage though you basically destroy any job that doesn't generate such a high level of profit.
As a minimum wage though you basically destroy any job that doesn't generate such a high level of profit.
What if he's only qualified to preform butt stuff?
That's an admirable statement, but let me play the devil's advocate. What if all he's qualified for is pushing a broom or bussing tables?
So he doesn't deserve to afford a minimal existence without walfare?
First question: Does he? Second question: Why is it someone else's responsibility to provide him with that? Third question: How long would $15 an hour be enough for a minimal existence as prices rise because of increased labor costs?
Flat rate or pro-rated to the actual time spent running?
Anything he can do that generates at least $30/hr, so I can afford the building, equipment, software, supplies, utilities, pension, taxes, and insurance needed to employ the position.