[–] PMYA 6 points (+6|-0)

It's not that I think having a site where anyone can say what they want is a bad idea, it just doesn't work in practice. Using it as a sole marketing point just results in having a bunch of people that aren't accepted on any other sites.

I recall seeing something a while ago where one of the Gab devs was talking about how he was receiving death threats because of his ethnicity or religion or whatever. That's the reward you get for giving these people a platform.

[–] Owlchemy 4 points (+4|-0)

Exactly. And I guess more or less what I was trying to communicate.

I watched the decline of Voat along those lines. I'm also seeing it begin on another alternative I won't name. Left (Reddit) or right (Voat), there are extremists out there. Nut jobs. And sadly, far too many who take them seriously which only leads to a breakdown in civility and a society that no one (except the nut jobs) really wants.