[–] Justintoxicated 3 points (+3|-0) Edited

The problem with social media in general is that it is far too easy and instantaneous to express a momentary thought or feeling. Often these thoughts or feelings would either not be expressed or they speaker would think to craft the expression of these ideas more carefully if it was indeed some form of review/reflection was required (which would likely lead to higher quality expression).

The issue with Gab (and much of twitter, however twitter has an exponentially larger user base that includes the majority of content producing websites) is that it attracts a lot of "expressionists" but not enough thought leaders/influencers, and when the "expression" most commonly exhibited is venting/vitriol it tends to turn away a lot of thought leaders and content producers.

I wholly support the right to free speech, however that does not mean I am obligated support every stupid thing that is said.