Every time I tickle him he says "dirka dirka dirka!'

Every time I tickle him he says "dirka dirka dirka!'


[–] Butler_crosley 2 points (+2|-0)

I knew a Jewish guy that used to say that to his Lebanese roommate all the time. Lebanese guy would always respond with a Jewish slur and "I'm a Christian you dumb fuck." They were actually pretty good friends.

[–] Owlchemy 2 points (+2|-0)

There was a time before everyone was so dang sensitive about everything where such things were just dumb, but offended almost no one. I have a Croatian last name, and where we grew up, his friends would often call my Dad a dumb Pollack in jest - LOL. He was neither, but just laughed it off. I miss those days when people didn't get their noses outta joint about every slight. Sure, there was bad stuff thrown in there, too, and shouldn't be tolerated. Yet a little fun is no big deal.