[–] Mattvision 3 points (+3|-0) Edited

Not going to argue the first one, except that the liberals also favor the wealthy in practice. They just pretend to favor common people by making mother government give them free shit, but still putting elites in charge. Conservatives aren't as good at pretending to care about peasants because they don't support free-shit-ism.

Liberals only want unity on the grounds that they're the ideology everyone magically gets behind. If people from the left spontaneously started leaning conservative, the left would suddenly start looking to divide it. They would never accept unity outside of their political orthodoxy.

The left likes to virtue signal, and they don't just celebrate, but publicly glorify diversity for the sole purpose of making themselves look better. They only care about a person's skin color, and how much fetishizing a minority race can make them look like good people. They don't care about the beliefs or actions of individuals. Conservatives are completely fucking mixed on issues of diversity, but they usually fall in a spectrum of "I tolerate diversity as long as you enter my country legally and don't expect me to glorify you or give you special treatment for your skin color" to "The Juden imported the mud races into Europe to make the White race weaker". I prefer the former, if you were wondering.

All political ideologies outside of Voluntaryism promote some amount of aggression. The left, like other ideologies, only promotes peace on the grounds that everyone acts the way their puritanical standards deem morally acceptable. If Leftists took over the world, there would be so many fucking non-violent behaviors outlawed that it's not even funny. A country that will lock you up or coerce you, with the threat of force, to pay a fine for fucking misgendering someone (cough Sweden cough) is abso-fucking-lutely not peaceful.

Both sides promote some amount of ignorance. There are simply facts out there that would hurt their political agendas, and they like to ignore those facts when they can for the sake of those agendas.

Tradition and progress are not objectively inferior or superior to one another in every possible situation. It should be a matter of individual choice when someone wants to stick to their traditions, or abandon them for something new, and demonizing people for how they make that choice is silly. Let people live their damn lives in peace for fucks sake.

[–] Justintoxicated 3 points (+3|-0)

Source: Atko's presentation to Voat

[–] Butler_crosley 3 points (+3|-0) Edited

Kept hoping he would come back, call out Putt for letting it get so bad, and then take back control of the site. Sadly I don't think that will ever happen so I finally deleted my account there this morning.

[–] [Deleted] 3 points (+3|-0) Edited

Damn, biased much?

Where did you find this?

[–] CDanger [OP] 3 points (+3|-0)

It's all over the usual places. Some people were saying from a "public school in Colorado". It looks a little too ridiculous for even a left-wing university professor to say, so I'm guessing it was some student presentation. But we may never know.

[–] [Deleted] 1 points (+1|-0)

They sure have the talking points down.

[–] seanking2919 0 points (+1|-1) Edited

And they sure have mastered a great logical fallacy known as hasty generalization.