

[–] E-werd 7 points (+7|-0)

This is my least favorite meme of the year and I wish it would die.

I think it's extremely accurate.

[–] Mattvision 7 points (+7|-0) Edited

Yep. It's even more accurate if it isn't exclusive to leftists. There are plenty of people out there with no inner monologue and no critical thinking skills, and mainstream center-left elites have weaponized them to some extent, but you can't say it's impossible for one of those people to pick up right-wing beliefs as well.

[–] F6F_Hellcat [OP] -4 points (+0|-4)

The only thing missing on that for the mindless leftists is "beat people up that don't think like you."

You know as well as I do that the political violence that's been happening lately is solely on the left.