[–] jobes 2 points (+2|-0)

you just plug it in in the evening

This part confuses me so much in the area where I live. There is a Tesla Model S in my tiny parking garage where I live that has no outlets. I see two different Model S' parked on the street during my nightly walks. Do these people just charge at work or at the mall everyday? They have no accommodation for coming home late on a "low tank" besides literally going to a mall for a few hours.

[–] xyzzy 0 points (+0|-0)

There is a Tesla Model S in my tiny parking garage

They have a feature to get out before parking.

see two different Model S' parked on the street during my nightly walks. Do these people just charge at work or at the mall everyday?

Maybe they are, just check if there is a thick cable connected to the car.