[–] jobes 1 points (+1|-0)

“I’ve been hearing from women who are in their 20s and 30s and 40s who have been reading comics for decades who have never seen a woman on the cover of a comic that looks like them,”

'Diabetes-Woman' doesn't really seem like a comic book that would sell based on its cover.

Look even when I was swimming 20 hours/week, 6 days/week I never looked like the characters on the covers of comic books. I wasn't scrawny like Spiderman, I wasn't in a wheelchair like Professor X, I was neither green nor massive like the Hulk, I looked nothing like any of the Guardians of the Galaxy (I still have issue #1 somewhere from back when I used to go to go to comic book conventions in the 90s), I didn't look like wolverine/iceman/colossus/jean grey/etc. I don't look like anyone on animated series like the Venture Brothers. I'm not bitching about it.