I have one statement for you:

It is better to represent your true feelings through a vote for the underdog, than to settle for one party (masquerading as two) that is slanted to win... We always know who will win. They'll win with or without you. One of the two. The illusion of choice.

I want to see passionate people vote for the loser. People will see the numbers after the fact. They can not hide those! And when those numbers becomes undeniable, they will continue to deny. And you will continue to vote. And then we will win.

I truly don't give a shit if you're a libertarian like me, or communist, or conservative/liberal/anarchist/pastafarian. Vote with your heart. Get drunk, walk to the polls and do you best/worst. Months from now, maybe you'll remember this and do your part as a god damn part as a citizen of your respective country.

TL;DR: Fuck their message. We as humans make our own. THEY WILL LISTEN

I have one statement for you: **It is better to represent your true feelings through a vote for the underdog, than to settle for one party (masquerading as two) that is slanted to win... We always know who will win. They'll win with or without you. One of the two. The illusion of choice.** I want to see passionate people vote for the loser. People will see the numbers after the fact. **They can not hide those!** And when those numbers becomes undeniable, they will continue to deny. And you will continue to vote. And then we will win. I truly don't give a shit if you're a libertarian like me, or communist, or conservative/liberal/anarchist/pastafarian. Vote with your heart. Get drunk, walk to the polls and do you best/worst. Months from now, maybe you'll remember this and do your part as a *god damn part* as a citizen of your respective country. **TL;DR**: Fuck their message. We as humans make our own. **THEY WILL LISTEN**


I LOVE the shit of of Ron Paul, but lets face it, he got old. I still fucking vote for the man though..

Johnson is a mess. I'm still not sure if he outright betrayed from within his cause, or if he got psyopped on a new level, but he lost the trust of more than 1% of the US voting populous during this last election.

And as for the issue of the man of the United State's office... I love man he is, but I hope the man he became (in office) dies an entirely natural premature political death... Boating accidents have been happening for a long-ass time, and they don't need any federal authority to keep happening long after his natural retirement from fame.

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