The shit is at comical levels and recklessly foolish. I understand the JQ and think it deserves an answer to an extent. Especially as we draw a much more distinct line in the sand on immigrants and immigration. I'm of the opinion duel citizens should not be allowed to hold elected positions on or above the Congressional level in our federal government or as States see fit. But; they are worse then /pol/ on any of the chans. Its a psyop loonie bin over there now days.

The shit is at comical levels and recklessly foolish. I understand the JQ and think it deserves an answer to an extent. Especially as we draw a much more distinct line in the sand on immigrants and immigration. I'm of the opinion duel citizens should not be allowed to hold elected positions on or above the Congressional level in our federal government or as States see fit. But; they are worse then /pol/ on any of the chans. Its a psyop loonie bin over there now days.


[–] jobes 2 points (+2|-0)

It covers a wide variety of topics, ranging from "Who pushes for open borders in the US and EU while pushing for an ethno state in Israel? Who owns the media? Who is trying to destroy the nuclear family and promote degeneracy? Who owns the banks and funds both sides of every war? etc." and the answer generally turns out to be pretty straight forward.

That's my understanding of it at least