I have one every day.

Small minded people do this.

No you don't.
Your account is public, we can see that you only get downvotes on spam and retarded things.

Unless you were referring to yourself. I noticed that some of the votes you hand out are questionable.

Yes, I do. You donwvote A WEBSITE, regardless on content, because you are small minded. Read an article once, I dare you. You might learn something.

If learning offends you, then continue to downvote.

Do you have a comment to the content, or do you just decide to downvote because you don't like the messenger?

[–] cyclops1771 [OP] -1 points (+1|-2)

A PM I got :

It looks like innocentbystander has decided to attack another user on this site. I'm not sure what IB's motivation is--whether to troll or if this is really just a very unpleasant person--and it probably doesn't matter. I've seen IB attack other users like..., and the preferred modus operandi seems to derail a civil conversation with ad hominems and calling you unreasonable. Everyone else on here seems pretty chill though and willing to have a civilized discussion.

So welcome to the club of people attacked by innocentbystander!