This explains a lot. You don't have the mental capacity to think for oneself!!

The funny thing is?

C. J. Hopkins, one of myu favorite snarky writers, posts on both Counterpunch.org AND unz.com!!! One is supposedly "EXTREME LEFT: BEWARE!!" and the other is "EXTREME RIGHT: BEWARE!!!"

What does that tell you? The PTB do not want you reading alternative veiwpoints - they might make you think - and they want you stupid.

I even posted an article about how watching TV News = Reality TV. And YOU DOWNVOTED IT, without even reading it.

Does not reading things, and basing your judgement based on where it came from make you any better than the racists, sexists, and NAzis? Oh, that came from a Jew/Woman/Black, therefore it is WRONG!!! That is you, /u/InnocentBystander, you are the rigid, "I don't like the messenger, so I won't read the message" That is an extreme position, to me. Learn critical thinking instead of just swallowing whatever the PTB are feeding you.

This explains a lot. You don't have the mental capacity to think for oneself!!

Nu-uh! You are!!!

What does that tell you?

That you're very emotional and you care deeply what I think.
You probably shouldn't though.

Does not reading things, and basing your judgement based on where it came from make you any better than the racists, sexists, and NAzis? Oh, that came from a Jew/Woman/Black, therefore it is WRONG!!! That is you, /u/InnocentBystander, you are the rigid, "I don't like the messenger, so I won't read the message" That is an extreme position, to me. Learn critical thinking instead of just swallowing whatever the PTB are feeding you.

Is this what schizophrenia looks like?
You are aware that this passage is not rational, right?

A PM I got :

It looks like innocentbystander has decided to attack another user on this site. I'm not sure what IB's motivation is--whether to troll or if this is really just a very unpleasant person--and it probably doesn't matter. I've seen IB attack other users like..., and the preferred modus operandi seems to derail a civil conversation with ad hominems and calling you unreasonable. Everyone else on here seems pretty chill though and willing to have a civilized discussion.

So welcome to the club of people attacked by innocentbystander!

Do you have a comment to the content, or do you just decide to downvote because you don't like the messenger?