You already used that one. You need to find new insults.

But, your brain is so limited, you probably only have 2-3 that you have top reuse. Maybe go post some cat videos and you'll re-invigorate yourself and maybe be able to be creative enough to come up with a 4th option. But, I doubt it.

You already used that one

It's still relevant. You're still hysterical.

Maybe go post some cat videos

No worries. I can multi-task, more videos are coming.
I'm glad you look forward to them. You're welcome.

Why are you so anti articles from that site?

Just name one reason, with backing of an article I posted, that is so horrid, so terrible, that it should never be seen by anyone from Phuks ever, and I will quit.

Just one reasoned argument from you - REASON, not personal dislike. I am just curious if it is there. My guess is, no, but hey, I like surprises!

Read slower if you need, I don't know how to say this any simpler:

This is what a spammer looks like
Why are you having such difficulty understanding. Which words are the ones that confuse you?