I still go to Voat and am still a member but, Phuks has really siphoned the cream-of-the-crop from Voat, relative to content posting and maintaining a great board.
I was just on Voat, getting ready to post something about vile property tax laws perpetrated upon the citizens of Cook county, U. S of A and as I looked and read some posts I just said "forget it, I'll try another day."

I still go to Voat and am still a member but, Phuks has really siphoned the cream-of-the-crop from Voat, relative to content posting and maintaining a great board. I was just on Voat, getting ready to post something about vile property tax laws perpetrated upon the citizens of Cook county, U. S of A and as I looked and read some posts I just said "forget it, I'll try another day."


[–] chmod 4 points (+5|-1)

Every once in a while I'll go back without signing in (I still can't delete account). I'll read the posts until I get to an anti-Semitic one and stop. I haven't gotten past the front page yet.