I still go to Voat and am still a member but, Phuks has really siphoned the cream-of-the-crop from Voat, relative to content posting and maintaining a great board.
I was just on Voat, getting ready to post something about vile property tax laws perpetrated upon the citizens of Cook county, U. S of A and as I looked and read some posts I just said "forget it, I'll try another day."

I still go to Voat and am still a member but, Phuks has really siphoned the cream-of-the-crop from Voat, relative to content posting and maintaining a great board. I was just on Voat, getting ready to post something about vile property tax laws perpetrated upon the citizens of Cook county, U. S of A and as I looked and read some posts I just said "forget it, I'll try another day."


[–] OeeThaGreat 1 points (+1|-0)

Last time I stopped by there it just seemed so boring, predictable and not really worthwhile. There is too much shit to sift through to find the good content. It's like the users forgot everything doesn't need to political.