I have been thinking about community growth and how the voat fracture has split several communities apart.

Compared to Reddit the userbase at voat was small. To grow a non political sub on voat took work and dedication. It really takes one to two very active and motivated mods to get a sub going and stay going. It’s extremely easy to get burnt out. Over the years the majority of communities on voat have disbanded and have tried to replicate their subs on several platforms. Non have really matched the spark that was voat in its prime (IMO).

I’m curious about how the future of poal and phuks relationship will work and how that relationship will effect community growth.

Phuks seems content on small growth with little to no advertising on other sites were Poal seems the opposite, very eager to gain users and growth. Voat got its growth from Reddit fucking up and Poal was created because Voat is fucking up. Seems fucking up is the growth strategy here.

There’s a lot of cross posts on all three sites. Does this hinder community growth?

Just running “whatever” thoughts I had this morning.

Happy Friday Phukers.

I have been thinking about community growth and how the voat fracture has split several communities apart. Compared to Reddit the userbase at voat was small. To grow a non political sub on voat took work and dedication. It really takes one to two very active and motivated mods to get a sub going and stay going. It’s extremely easy to get burnt out. Over the years the majority of communities on voat have disbanded and have tried to replicate their subs on several platforms. Non have really matched the spark that was voat in its prime (IMO). I’m curious about how the future of poal and phuks relationship will work and how that relationship will effect community growth. Phuks seems content on small growth with little to no advertising on other sites were Poal seems the opposite, very eager to gain users and growth. Voat got its growth from Reddit fucking up and Poal was created because Voat is fucking up. Seems fucking up is the growth strategy here. There’s a lot of cross posts on all three sites. Does this hinder community growth? Just running “whatever” thoughts I had this morning. Happy Friday Phukers.


[–] Kannibal 5 points (+5|-0)

problem seems to be when multiple tribes cannot put up with the others.

one problem was the refugee problem.

Voat got overwhelmed by the refugee refuse of Reddit. (say that 3 times quickly)

Plus people deliberately trolling because they felt that shit stirring and stress testing the site was the best way to make the site better, when what it really did was drive people away.

finally, you have the parable of the duck and the hens:


[–] PhunkyPlatypus 5 points (+5|-0)

It's sort of funny. Voat modified my opinion on the refugee crisis. Not through their words, but through their actions. I saw first hand what a flood of people who don't want to adapt to the culture can do. Especially as the ratio skews to the new group.