Your last paragraph does bring up a good point. I'm very often critical of the left's hypocrisy, but the same exists on the right. Everyone needs to be aware and able to point out bias on both sides. It's honestly stupid to dilute it to only two sides though in a period where we're supposed to believe there are millions of genders and only two different political viewpoints.
Andrew Breitbart first woke me up to the the idea of challenging the mainstream smears of people and ideology in an interview where he talked about how he turned from a far left idealist to a new right wing guy when he first listened to Rush Limbaugh. He did it to write on how racist and sexist he was told Rush was, then realized everything he was told about the guy was a lie. I loved Andrew (RIP) and never followed Rush, but I see the same pattern happening all over the place these days.
I send a lot of time on the road, and I used to listen to Rush when he was funny. One thing he did point out during George W's first campaign was how democrats would work out talking points for their people before the Sunday morning talk shows. I had never heard the word "gravitas" before but Rush played a montage from the interviews after W had picked Cheney as his running mate. Every single Democrat Party spokesperson said Bush chose Cheney to bring some gravitas to the campaign.
Sinclair Broadcasting owns a lot of different local stations under different corporate names, like local Fox, CBS, etc titles. They have requirements that their affiliates run certain stories word for word. That is largely responsible for the word-for-word news montages. Never assume that your "local" news is either local or independent.
The GamerGate movement was attacked for various accusations like sexist, misogynist, racist etc because it was exposing collusion between other unrelated "news" sites and networks. I'm assuming most of the attacks were perpetrated due to exposing that sort of bias and collusion like we see here and with various other similar headlines like the dozens of news networks describing Trump's inauguration speech as "Dark" (don't have the compilation image on hand) or a few other similar events in the last year.
Journalism is mostly dead. Look for who they are calling racist, sexist, homophobic Nazis and other bad names and then you can see which news sources are independent and probably good to follow. When you listen to those awful people they talk about, you'll quickly realize that they are being smeared and the reports about them are inaccurate propaganda.