I was looking at the stats and figured it's time to visualize the data that @Polsaker throws up here (almost) every month. We may work on something with some more data resolution, but this is good for now. I'll figure out the details later. I'm sure he'll just get motivated to automate me out of a job from this--that'd be just as well, to be honest.

Visualized Stats Over Time -- May 2018 Edition

User Stats -- Total Users: 947

Comments -- Total Comments: 39590

Subs -- Total Subs: 340

Unique Visitors

Requests Served


I was looking at the stats and figured it's time to visualize the data that @Polsaker throws up here (almost) every month. We may work on something with some more data resolution, but this is good for now. I'll figure out the details later. I'm sure he'll just get motivated to automate me out of a job from this--that'd be just as well, to be honest. ---- ###Visualized Stats Over Time -- May 2018 Edition [User Stats](https://i.imgur.com/kabO8JJ.jpg) -- Total Users: 947 [Comments](https://i.imgur.com/lVIx8dG.jpg) -- Total Comments: 39590 [Subs](https://i.imgur.com/KKsyoze.jpg) -- Total Subs: 340 [Unique Visitors](https://i.imgur.com/2YXRYqn.jpg) [Requests Served](https://i.imgur.com/0iXpCOk.jpg) [Bandwidth](https://i.imgur.com/Qq5VWG0.jpg)


[–] Sarcastaway 2 points (+2|-0)

It's pretty cool to see that the comments aren't dropping off even though some of the new users have clearly headed back to voat.