I have to say that is probably the best gift I could have gotten other than doing nothing all day and having food brought to me while I play PS. I will probably be the only adult that came without a child and will be giddily playing with and feeding the animals. That fact makes this all the better. I'll see about taking some pics and posting here but I admit to being lazy when it comes to that.

Happy Sunday, Phukers.

I have to say that is probably the best gift I could have gotten other than doing nothing all day and having food brought to me while I play PS. I will probably be the only adult that came without a child and will be giddily playing with and feeding the animals. That fact makes this all the better. I'll see about taking some pics and posting here but I admit to being lazy when it comes to that. Happy Sunday, Phukers.


[–] X175B247 2 points (+2|-0)

HBD! That sounds like a really nice present. Spend a day with cute animals and the girl you love.

My fiancee told me yesterday that she wants to take me skydiving for my birthday #=#

[–] [Deleted] 2 points (+2|-0)


[–] [Deleted] 1 points (+1|-0)

The pigs were being lazy as fuck when we were there. Sleeping too far away for pictures. My favorite were the miniature horses and donkeys. Even after they figured out I had no food left they stuck around and let me give them some love. Evem seemed to enjoy it. Good babies!

[–] E-werd 2 points (+2|-0)

I love petting zoos. The animals only like you because you have food, but that's OK too. I need to get my daughter to one soon, I want to scratch some knobby deer heads.

[–] ScorpioGlitch 2 points (+2|-0) Edited

There's a vineyard within reasonable travel distance from me that has llamas onsite. I want to visit one day, just to play with them.

And happy birthday.

[–] [Deleted] 5 points (+5|-0)

happy birthday! You have a cool girlfriend, she sounds like a keeper!

Happy birthday! That is really cute of her to do that. Personally I've got no interest in doing something like that, but its still cool that you can enjoy animals like that. She sounds nice, hold on to her.

Also, as @GrumpyBastard said, wash your phukkin' hands afterwards!

[–] GumpyBastard 5 points (+5|-0)

Make sure you wash your hands after petting all those kids, I heard they can carry some nasty diseases.

[–] Hitchens 6 points (+6|-0)

Happy Birthday Phuker. Enjoy your girlfriend and all those damn cute animals at the petting zoo.

Watch out for the fluffy big ones