[–] Kannibal [OP] 1 points (+1|-0)


A population of 350+ million people is not monolithic in tastes or opinions

there is sure to be a wide variety of viewpoints, etc.

and many people get set in their ways once they enter adulthood.

[–] [Deleted] 0 points (+0|-0)

So because there are a minority racists in the country every liberal media outlet needs to put out an article daily about racists in the country when they themselves tend to be a bunch of racists? That doesn't seem agenda driven to you? Like maybe the whole point is so our country never breaks free of the two party system? Seems to me no matter which party you vote for we stay locked in war these days. My hope is that Trump's rhetoric is a bargaining tactic. Seems to me it took him all of 5 minutes to wipe up Hillary and Obama's ISIS mess for the most part. I have the sneaking suspicion he'll wind up being a Reagan-like figure. Reagan had a far lower approval rating than Trump has now according to Rasmussen. I'm not telling you to put your faith in polls... lol. Rasmussen only had Hillary winning by like 2 or 3% while everyone else was in lala land calling everything from 70 something percent to 98%.

Do you feel black people are too stupid to get voter ID cards? Most black people don't. I don't think they are. Like everything w/ liberals though it's magically a race issue ignoring the fact that you can't really live in the modern world w/o some form of ID. In one African nation they still count votes w/ different colored rocks b/c most of their citizens are illiterate. Magically even illiterate Africans manage to get voter ID cards. My feeling is the left tries to get high on their sense of moral superiority when it's anything but. From the times when the Klan was marching openly to this very day, Democrat's always find a way to keep themselves in power by pushing some kind of racial tension.

Weird how liberals in DC never feel the need to disavow hate groups they openly support. Weird how they're never asked. Magically liberals all forget that time Al Sharpton incited racial violence and got people killed. I hate both Al Sharpton and David Duke. Ask yourself this question though. Which one has gotten more people killed. Which one does the left openly pander to at every opportunity?
