I'm right there with you, although I should say I'm kinda still there in that place. I'm very fortunate to work in a place that leaves out food in the break room. Its always just small granola bars and a loaf of bread with a jar of peanutbutter and jelly.

You bet your sweet ass that as soon as nobody was looking I'd stuff a handful of bars into my pockets and make two sandwiches and scarf them down before somebody walked in.

This is super gross...but I once worked as a busser in a restaurant and would eat the untouched leftovers that people would leave behind. Yea, I risked a lot by doing that, but when somebody orders 20 hot wings but only eats 5 of them...and the rest are still smoking hot on that plate that is about to head into the trash can...yea dude I was hungry.

[–] X175B247 3 points (+3|-0)

Man I don't blame you at all. When it comes down to it... a man's gotta eat. The first time hunger was a real issue was when life became real.